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Munich High-End 2024 - The Best Hi-Fi In the World (Day2)

AIRT Room - Avalon Acoustics, Acustica Applicata, Stillpoints 

Published on
27th May 2024

Munich High-End 2024 (Day2):
Nagra, Avalon Acoustics, Stillpoints, Ramar, Shunyata & YG Acoustics

It’s the second day at Munich High-End 2024, and we discover the sanctuary of the Nagra room; sonic weaponry from YG Acoustics; beautiful craftsmanship from Berlin’s Ramar; and learn how to "lower the noise floor" with Stillpoints & Shunyata.

Avalon Acoustics & Stillpoints

AIRT: “Lowering the Noise Floor”

AIRT room - Lowering the noise floor

We all crave a deeper connection with our music. But it doesn't always require buying a new amplifier or speakers. The AIRT room's mission is to elevate your musical experience by "lowering the noise floor," revealing the raw emotion artists pour into their work. "St James Infirmary" by Louis Armstrong fills the room. The clarinet's melancholic melody contrasts beautifully with his signature gravelly baritone. Every instrument boasts a distinct timbre. The trombone sounds exactly like it should - a trombone. 

AIRT achieves this by using Stillpoints stands and pucks - that absorb unwanted vibrations that can distort the sound. They also utilise Acustica Applicata's modular acoustic traps. Sleek, minimalist monoliths that function like sonic sponges, soaking up low and mid-range frequencies that muddle the clarity.

"It's all about reducing unwanted noise or interference," explains Fraser from AIRT, "because a clean foundation allows us to connect with the music on a deeper level." 

Also tucked behind the system is Entreq grounding – intriguing little boxes resembling miniature wine crates. Inside is a blend of naturally compatible materials acting like a reverse battery, absorbing extraneous noise for a purer sonic picture. It's a testament to the power of a clean audio foundation, proving that a deeper connection with music doesn't always require a hefty price tag…but a pair of £145k Avalon Acoustics Isis Signature loudspeakers won’t hurt either.


Shunyata research: “First do no harm”

Dean & Alex with the Shunyata Research team, Munich High-End 2024

Shunyata cables - the secret behind the Nagra system, Munich

The golden thread that ran throughout Munich Hi-End 2024 was Shunyata. It was probably no coincidence that in the better-sounding rooms we’d find Shunyata cables. Luckily for us, the Shunyata team were over from Washington State, so we asked them why their cables make even the best hi-fi systems sound even better:

“We follow the Hippocratic Oath”, says Rich Rogers, "First, do no harm." Other cable companies add colour, tone and texture to a system. Shunyata ( a Sanskrit word which means "void" or "emptiness." ) adds nothing and lets your system shine. By reducing noise & distortion Shunyata cables help deliver the ultimate reality of the sound.

Many in the medical profession use Shunyata. Their power distributors help to eliminate noise in the system. This allows doctors to diagnose abnormalities, such as a heart defect, more easily. Not many audio brands can claim to be both improving your listening experience and saving lives!

Dean & Alex are evangelical about how Shunyata can improve the performance of even a mid-range system. “By adding an Everest 8000 power distributor to your set-up”, Dean says, “you get a calmer, more detailed sound."

“The foundation of a good system is the power, “ says Will Kline from Shunyata, “Start with the power - because if this is screwed, then everything is!" .“You may waste 10 years changing hi-fi components - as something doesn’t sound right with the system”, he adds, “when all you needed to do was buy a decent power cable!”

Rich leaves us with the following analogy. “You wouldn't buy a high-performance car and run it on flat tyres & without high-octane fuel, would you?” “So why do the same with your high-end hi-fi system!?“


The Nagra Streamer unveiled

The Nagra room is a sanctuary of sound, an audio spa where time melts away and we're immersed in the music. The system features products from the Nagra HD line ( HD PREAMP, 4x HD AMP monoblocks, and HD PHONO ), combined with Stenheim Reference Ultime Two loudspeakers and the new Nagra Streamer. The streamer plays a Qobuz playlist of high-resolution music featuring legends like Stan Getz and Chet Baker - transparent, open & natural.

We spoke with Nagra CEO Pascal Mauroux about the new streamer. He explains that through countless listening sessions and the relentless pursuit of perfection, the team crafted a product that lives up to their exacting standards, and most importantly, is sonically neutral.  

The compact, solid aluminium chassis has a dedicated external power supply, which ensures the cleanest possible audio experience. Pascal and the team hope the new streamer bridges the gap between modern music sources and a high-fidelity set-up.

Also, a big thanks to Pascal for introducing us to the Ramar vinyl brush, a beautiful piece of craftsmanship, handmade in Berlin by Rangel Vasev. We can now take care of our vinyl records in style.

Nagra The Streamer

Nagra Reference system with Stenheim Ultime Two Loudspeakers

YG Acoustics

YG Acoustics: Sonja XV3 Signatures

YG Acoustics Sonja XV3 Signatures Reference Loudspeakers with Boulder amplification

Sonja XV3s dwarf the XX3 Live Active Loudspeaker

YG Acoustics have the Sonja XV3 Signatures, with a custom finish that's been hand-dipped and anodised. These imposing four-tower passive loudspeakers are powered by Boulder amplification.

We speak with CEO & chief designer Dr Matthew Webster about the Sonjas, he says, “A small amount of these speakers are made, and we closely match components in each pair - a process that takes months." It means they have incredible timing. “Also, the crossovers are optimised and unique to each speaker.”

The YG Acoustics room is huge, and it needs to be to host this vast £1m+ system that includes a Technics SL-1000RE turntable, Weiss Helios DAC, and an Aurender network player. The resulting sound is clean, clear, and powerful - with great separation.

Matthew then swaps the Sonjas for the more compact XX3 Live Active Loudspeakers, which has 8 drivers per speaker. Buena Vista Social Club plays and the sound is hypnotic, with better sound staging and a more engaging experience than the Sonja’s - proof, if needed, that you don’t need to part with a million pounds for a great sounding high-end system.